[미드] Elementary Season 3. ep6. Terra Pericolosa

Elementary Season 3. ep6. Terra Pericolosa

출처: CBS

이번 에피소드는 도난당한 희귀 지도와 관련된 내용입니다. Terra pericolosa가 무슨 뜻인가 싶어 구글번역기를 돌려봤더니 이태리말로 '위험한 땅'이라는 뜻이라고 하네요. 이 에피소드를 보면 무슨말인가, 이해가 됩니다.

출처: CBS 
출처: CBS

이 에피소드 말미에, 알고보면 아주 따뜻한 셜록과, 셜록을 가장 잘 이해하는 키티의 대화장면이 나오는데, 사연많은 이들끼리의 대화라 그런지, 뭉클하는 부분이 있었습니다. 키티가 동네 커피숍에 남자가 생긴걸 알게된 셜록은 이번 에피소드 내내 키티에게 일을 잔뜩 줘서 주위를 분산시켰는데요, 그것에 대한 셜록이 사과하는 장면입니다. 키티를 진정으로 신경써주는 셜록과, 그의 관심을 진심으로 고마워하는 키티의 마음이 아름답습니다.

Kitty: Gonna sit there, or are you gonna help me?

Sherlock: Have a seat. Watson has impressed upon me that I owe you an apology. You may have noticed, I've been keeping you rather busy lately. Some of the errands were... beneath you. 

Kitty: You were very clear about all of this in London. You told me that there'd be scut work, every now and again.

Sherlock: I'm aware of the young man at the coffee shop. Zachary. I know you've developed a rapport. and he is, in his own plodding way, courting you. I was worried. So.... I kept you otherwise engaged. That was a mistake. I have watched the progress you've made over the last few monthes with great pride. And you've come a very long way. I should have trusted you to... continue that progression. 

Kitty: I knew.

Sherlock: You knew what?

Kitty: I could tell that you'd.... figured out about Zachary. I knew that's why you were keeping me busy. But I was glad of it. I was afraid, as well. Zachary's sweet, he's And he likes me. What you did made me feel... very protected... and very loved. So just stop moping about. I've got ice cream to  put away. 

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