[미드] Elementary Season 3. ep5. Rip Off

출처: CBS
이번 에피소드에서는, 셜록과 키티가 함께 불법 다이아몬드 거래와 관련된 살인사건을 조사합니다. 사건을 조사하는 중에 셜록은 전에 왓슨이 쓰던 컴퓨터에서 그에대한 왓슨의 글을 발견하게 되곤 심란해 하는데요, 심란한 셜록과 이리저리 열심히 활약하는 키티를 볼 수 있었던 에피소드입니다.

출처: CBS

출처: CBS

출처: CBS

Kitty: I know why you haven't read it yet, you know. Watson's book.

Sherlock: I haven't had the time.

Kitty: You're afraid.

Sherlock: Of?

Kitty: Her... assessment, her jedgment.

Sherlock: Watson and I had no secrets during her time here. There were days when the walls positively vibrated with her judgment.

Kitty: You didn't know about her writing. You don't know why she kept it a secret. Maybe the answer lie within. But then, so may other surprises. I could read it for you, if you like. I could, um, wave you off. if it's more than you'd care to know.

Sherlock: The truth is, you could benefit from absorbing an account of our casework. But watson did not share the manuscript. And while she may have less exacting privacy standards than I do, she obviously intended to dispose of it. I cannot in good conscience hand it off. Perhaps if...

Kitty: If it's of no interest to you, it's of no interest to me. Either way, It's over now. We can focus on the case.

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