[미드] Elementary Season 3. ep3. Just a Regular Irregular

시즌 3의 3번째 에피소드는 수학 아니 수학자와 관련된 에피소드입니다. 중간중간 재미있는 장면들도 많고, 그외엔 셀쭉한 키티와 그녀를 걱정하는 왓슨의 모습이 기억에 남았던 에피소드입니다.

출처: CBS

출처: CBS

출처: CBS

출처: CBS

Watson: You haven't asked me about the file Sherlock gave me.

Kitty: Why would I?

Watson: You said it would give me a better sense of you, it did.

Kitty: That's why you asked for my help. Because you felt sorry for me.

Watson: No. You just don't seem interested in anything outside of becoming a detective. 

Kitty: There she is. The old counselor, who used to hold sherlock's hand. Everything that you read, everything that happened to me, that's all it is. It's just something that happened. And it's all in the past now. So, let's just leave it there, shall we?

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