[미드] Elementary Season 3. ep13. Hemlock

출처: CBS

이번 에피소드는 빛 수금업자(Debt Collector)의 죽음에 관련된 일화를 다루고 있다. 보는 내내 Debt Collector이 도대체 무슨 직업인지 이해가 안되어 고생했었는데 한국어 표현을 보니 이해가 쉽게 되는것 같다. 지난 에피소드를 끝으로 키티는 떠나고, 다시 셜록과 왓슨만이 주 무대에 남아 사건을 해결하는게 약간은 허전하지만, 흥미로운 사건이라 금방 몰입할 수 있었다.

출처: CBS

출처: CBS

출처: CBS

왓슨이 남자친구의 아버지와 식사를 마치고 돌아온 뒤 셜록과 나눈 대화가 재미있다. 셜록이 몇번이나 경고했지만, '남친 부모님 만나기'랑 다르게 그냥 밥 먹는거라며 저녁식사자리에 다녀온 왓슨은 정확하게 예측한 셜록이 얄미워서 한대 때린다.

Sherlock: Watson, What are you doing here?

Watson: Well, I just came here to punch you. 

Sherlock: What was that for?

Watson: I hate it when you're right. 

Sherlock: Is this about your dinner?

Watson: It was totally a 'Meet the parents' thing. 

Sherlock: There really is no version of meeting someone's parents that doesn't involve actually meeting their parents. 

Watson: You know what I mean. And Andrew's father was so.. amazing. he was warm and welcoming, he was obviously so thrilled that I was dating his son. I mean, it went about at well as you could possibly imagine. 

Sherlock: And yet,

Watson: I didn't want any of it. I just didn't feel comfortable. I mean, Andrew is smart, he's kind, he doesn't dress like a high school student who just got expelled. What is wrong with me? I'm not feeling anything I am supposed to be feeling. 

Sherlock: I'm an expert in many things, but love is not one of them. I do know, however, it cannot be reduced to a checklist of traits. You know, you might have to accept the fact that whatever your relationship with Andrew menas, you just don't want it.

Watson: Then what do I want?

Sherlock: I don't know. While you're sorting that out, you might inadvertently be treating a kind man... rather shabbily

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