[미드] Elementary Season 3. ep14. The Female of the Species

[미드] Elementary Season 3. ep14. The Female of the Species

이번 에피소드는 동물원에서 일어난 얼룩말 실종사건에서 시작된다. 어려운 시기에 있는 왓슨을 대신해 휴가를 맞은 벨 형사가 셜록과 콤비가 되어 사건을 해결하는데, 아웅다웅하는게 재미있다. 

출처: CBS

출처: CBS

출처: CBS

벨과 셜록이 사건 해결을 위해 만나 나누는 처음 대화가 재미있다. 

Sherlock: Detective Bell, you're here. Excellent.

Bell: No, it's not detective Bell today. The department told me I had too many vacation days built up. so I had to use them or lose them.

Sherlock: I'm aware you're off duty. In fact, that's exactly why I asked you here. I've picked up some potentially interesting work involving stolen zebras. I thought it might be an opportunity for you to gain more exposure to my methods. 

Bell: You want me to work a case with you?

Sherlock: An informal setting is more fertile learing environment, don't you think? Think of it is a favor.

Bell: So I'll work for you and somehow you're doing me a favor?

Sherlock: Well, I do owe you a debt. You'll recall the unfortunate business with you ad the bullet. 

Bell: I remember when you got me shot. Look I get it, you want somebody to talk at, but you don't want to bother Joan right now?

Sherlock: I will pay you.

Bell: I'm already getting paid today. 

Sherlock: A donation to the charity of your choice, then.

Bell: How'd you know I didn't have plans for the day?

Sherlock: People who are forced by their employers to take time off don't generally have thriving social lives. 

Bell: My rate to the Harlem Youth Club. You keep track of the hours

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