[미드] Elementary Season 3. ep9. The Eternity Injection.

[미드] Elementary Season 3. ep9. The Eternity Injection.

엘리멘트리 아홉번째 에피소드는, 시간에 관한 에피소드 입니다. 마침 이때 제가 스티븐 호킹 박사에 대한 영화 '사랑에 관한 모든 것'을 보았던 시기라, 재미있는 우연이라고 생각했었는데요, 에피소드 자체도 재미있게 엮여있습니다.




이 에피소드에서 가장 흥미로웠던 대사는 셜록과 왓슨의 한 대화였는데요, 저는 왜 이 대화가 사랑스러웠을까요, 또 왓슨은 참 눈치가 없다고 생각했을까요,

Sherlock: I've been feeling a little bit down of late. It's the process of maintaining my sobriety. It's repetitive, and it's relentless. And above all, it's tedious. When I left rehah, I... I accepted your influence. I committed to my recovery. And now, two years in... I found myself asking, is this it? My sobriety is simply a grind. It's just this leaky faucet which requires constant maintenance. And in return offers only.. not to drip.

Watson: You have your work. You have me. You're alive.

Sherlock: I've told myself that many times. So many times that is has become unmoored from all meaning. Odd, I, uh.. I used to imagine that a relapse would be the climax to some grand drama. Now I think that if I were to use drugs again, in would in face be an anticlimax. It would be a surrender to the incessant drip, drip, drip.

Watson: I'm sorry you're feeling this way. What an I do to help? Do you want to talk more? Do you want to maybe speak to Alfredo?

Sherlock: Yes, I think perhaps I will see Alfredo. But in any case, I shan't be using drugs this evening.

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