[미드] White collar season 6. ep4

White collar season 6. ep4. All's Fair

출처: USA Network

4화의 전개는 대략 이렇습니다.  아침부터 아웅다웅하는 닐과 피터 - 모지의 충격적인 신상공개 - 모지의 멘붕 - 모지의 멘붕 - 모지의 멘붕 - 사건의 진전 - 사건의 진전 - 모지의 멘붕 - 모지의 깨닮음 - 사기 - 끝

핑크 팬서가 타겟으로 하는게 무엇인지 밝혀지고, 과연 Neal이 어느 편인지 고뇌하는 피터, 그리고 모지의 멘붕이 재미있는 4화입니다. 

Peter: Where were you this morning

Neal: Home

Peter: Came from a different direction.

Neal: Okay, I see what's going on here.

Peter: Oh, really? Enlighten me.

Neal: You're having separation anxiety. It's totally natural.

Peter: No, we're never separated enought for me to be anxious about it.

Neal: But without my anklet, you can't track my every movement and it's driving you crazy.

Peter: I'll admit, I sleep well when that dot tells me exactly where you are.

Neal: I hear lavender's good for sleep.

Peter: I'll adjust.

Neal: Maybe a sound machine. Let the crash of waves wash away your anxiety.

Peter: How about you worry more about the Panthers and less about my rem cycles.

출처: USA Network

출처: USA Network

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