[미드] Elementary Season 3. ep10. Seed Money

[미드] Elementary Season 3. ep10. Seed Money

엘리멘트리 시즌 3의 열번째 에피소드는 Seed Money입니다. 이번 에피소드에서 키티는 젊은 여자아이를 찾는 일에 착수하고, 왓슨과 셜록은 마약 카르텔에 연루되어 살해당한 것 같은 생물학자의 사건을 맡습니다. 





이번화에 인상깊었던 대사는, 에피소드 가장 첫 장면입니다. 키티가 중독자 모임(사실 무슨 모임인지 모르겠습니다.)에서 자신의 이야기를 하는 장면입니다.

Kitty: "Life is stranger than anything the mind could invent." That's something my friend likes to say. When I agreed to come to New York with him,  I was still hurting. He'd offered an education, and I was gonna take it. I was gonna use it. I'd just listen and I'd learn, and when the time was right, I would... move on. But then, I made another friend. And another one. My friend was only half right. life is strange but, it's also good.

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