[미드] Elementary Season 3. ep7. The Adventure of the Nutmeg Concoction

[미드] Elementary Season 3. ep7. The Adventure of the Nutmeg Concoction

연애사가 한층 복잡해진 왓슨과 맹활약하는 키티, 두 여자를 들었다 놨다하는 셜록이 나오는 에피소드입니다. 


ⓒ CBS 

키티가 셜록의 칭찬을 받는 장면이 기억나는데요, 셜록이 칭찬할 때 키티가 눈 깜박깜박 쑥쓰러워하는 모습이 귀엽습니다.

Kitty: Too loud?

Sherlock: I'm not here about the music. 

(Sherlock shows her a news through laptop monitor)

Sherlock: You are progressing. A pleasure to watch. Normally, I ask you to keep your music at a reasonable level during my reading hours, but tonight feel free to enjoy it at whatever volume you wish.

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